Monthly Archives: September 2013

Soooooo big!

I asked “How big is Fionbharr?” waited a second, then said “So big!” and Finn raised his arms for the first time!  I repeated it a couple of times and the last time he raised his arms and lowered them very quickly, as if to say, “yeah, yeah, I get it mom, I’m so big!  Now let’s move on.”  He’s also started dancing a little.  I’m guessing Violet was showing him a couple moves last weekend!

Finn continues to explore his surroundings every day.  He points at everything looking for explanation as to what it is and what it does.  Then, he wants to touch and play with it.  Of course, not everything is for little hands so he begins to throw a fit.  How do you explain to an 11 month old that ‘no you may not have that’?

As we prepare for Finn’s first birthday I find myself looking back and seeing how much our lives have changed since he arrived!  Every task takes much more time to complete:  grocery shopping, vacuuming, folding laundry, hell, cleaning up in general!  I have come to terms with the fact that our house will never be clean again.

To no one’s surprise, Finn’s first word was doggie.  However, it came out more like ‘dah uh’.  He continues to enjoy playing with Jasper and Fred.  Finn will grab one of his stuffed animals and shove it in Fred’s face as if to say ‘play with me!’.  Jasper continues to be unimpressed with this fumbling ball of energy.  If Finn takes a tumble, Jasper will come over to make sure he’s okay, but will otherwise keep himself confined to the kitchen.




I'll help you fold, momma

I’ll help you fold, momma



Mr. Independent

While Finn and I were having dinner tonight he dropped a piece of sweet potato in his high chair.  This is not uncommon, I know, wait for it…He was having a difficult time grabbing it so I asked if I could help.  I picked up the sweet potato from his seat and placed it back on his tray.  Finn watched my every move.  When he saw that I was finished moving his food he proceeded to pick up the same piece and place it back in the high chair, pick it up himself and eat it!

I have a little shadow…

That goes in and out with me…and his name is Fionbharr.  Since Finn started walking there is no slowing him down!  It, actually, could explain why we’re getting a good night’s sleep.  From the moment he wakes up in the morning, until he puts his head down in the crib, he goes and goes and goes!  Finn is into everything…the shine has finally worn off the dogs water bowl and now he’s moved onto the trash can.  The other day Finn obviously thought the garbage needed to be emptied because he grabbed a dirty napkin out of it and ran happily across the room with his prize.  He has mastered climbing up AND down the stairs between the dining room and the living room.  Finn has a great time trying to go down the stairs one way…backwards, and then trying another…going down sideways bump-bump style.  It continues to amaze me how he learns so quickly.  Finn is also very independent…don’t know where he gets that from 😉  I’m not sure how happy I am that we’re raising an independent child.  He lets me know when he wants my help, however, I think he’s just humoring me.