How time flies…

Happy 1st birthday, Fionbharr!  Finn had a busy couple of days celebrating his birthday.  Nannie, Finn and I spent his actual birthday at PB& Jack, it’s a play place for kids.  He loves to run around and play with all the toys and see the other kids.  I don’t know who had more fun, though, Nannie or Finn!  She watched in amazement as Finn tried to take a bouncy ball from a little boy that didn’t want to share.  He just pushed his way through and got what he wanted.

Friday we stayed with Nannie and Grandpa so we could get ready for Finn’s party.  To my amazement Finn went right to sleep after his bath and slept the entire night.

We were up early and began getting the decorations put out.  Mom and I had been shopping the day before, so all the food was ready.  Now, just decorate and party!

Finn certainly was the life of the party.  At one point I realized I hadn’t seen him in awhile.  He was just walking around saying hi to everyone and swiping treats from the table.  It’s as if he knew we were all there for him.  He showed his cousins all his toys and was showing Violet how to go up the stairs!

When it came time to sing and have cake, Finn just sat there in awe.  He really wanted to play with the lighted candle placed in front of him.  To no one’s surprise he dug right in to his cookie monster cupcake and proceeded to make a great mess.  With all the excitement and all the sweet treats he had, it was no wonder the kid didn’t nap at all that day!  Talk about a sugar high.

Thank you everyone for coming and enjoying Finn’s special day with us.  We had a wonderful time!


With his favorite Godmother, Anne

With his favorite Godmother, Anne


He will only willingly share with his cousin, Violet

He will only willingly share with his cousin, Violet

Busy, busy, busy


Taking his time...

Taking his time…

Finally, digging right in!

Finally, digging right in!

What a mess!

What a mess!

Here, Bruno, have some milk

Here, Bruno, have some milk

and some cupcake

and some cupcake


One thought on “How time flies…

  1. I love these sites you guys have developed, makes me feel I’m not missing too much, even though I am. When Finn’s dad and brothers were growing up it was difficult for me to understand why they weren’t Cardinal fans. I see nothing’s changed. 🙂 Thanks so much for these pages

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