Monthly Archives: March 2014

Florida, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s. Oh, my!

Yes, we’ve been busy these past few months!  So, let’s get everyone up to speed:

Just before Thanksgiving Finn and I went back down to Florida to visit Great Grandpa Sullivan for his birthday!  The flight, of course, was long and Finn is still not a fan of flying.  Once we landed, though, it was smooth sailing!  Finn was so happy to see familiar faces.


Finn helping Great Grandpa open his birthday card.

Finn helping Great Grandpa open his birthday card.

Nannie, how did you get here?!

Nannie, how did you get here?!

Hey, I know you! (Finn with his great Aunt Lynn)

Hey, I know you! (Finn with his great Aunt Lynn)

Happy birthday, Grandpa!

Happy birthday, Grandpa!

I decided to stay in the same hotel since it had everything we needed and a lot was within walking distance.  The hotel is a couple of blocks from the beach, has a huge bedroom and a separate living room so mommy doesn’t have to go to sleep when Finn does!  It also has a little kitchenette with a microwave and mini fridge.  Finn still hates the car seat with a passion!


Finn discovered the cabinets

Finn discovered the cabinets


We got back to town just in time for Turkey day dinner with the McBride clan.  Since Popop has been down with an infection in his knee we went over to help cook.  I’m not sure how much help Finn was, but he sure did try!

Watching the parade with Whoha

Watching the parade with Whoha

Finn loves to help in the kitchen!

Finn loves to help in the kitchen!

Mostly, he just likes to eat

Mostly, he just likes to eat

Merry Christmas!


You know Jasper and Fred have to check out whatever Finn has!

Thanks Uncle Aaron and Auntie Tara!

Thanks Uncle Aaron and Auntie Tara!

Christmas Eve we spent with the McBride’s opening presents.  Finn didn’t know where to start!  He quickly became overwhelmed with all of the activity.  His cousins were running this way and that and the poor little guy just couldn’t keep up!  We ended up leaving abruptly because it was obviously time for bed.

We spent the Christmas morning at our house opening presents and of course, playing with them!  We had breakfast with the McBride’s and then headed over to the Sink’s for the rest of the day!




Learning the art of the 'dip dip'

Learning the art of the ‘dip dip’

I'll help you clean, momma!

I’ll help you clean, momma!

Our little boy isn’t a baby anymore!  He’s turning into such a little boy and becoming such a sweetie.  Finn must be involved in every aspect of our daily life.  If I’m in the kitchen he must come and help be stir.  He’s trying to help with the laundry as well.  Mostly, he ends up pulling clothes out of the bag and running away with them!


We are no longer huge partyers, so New Year’s was spent at home.  I think I went to bed around 11 because I could no longer keep my eyes open.  Promptly at 11:50 p.m. Finn woke up and we rang in the new year rocking to the sound of the fireworks.

So, that’s was our holiday season in a nutshell!