Mr. Independent

While Finn and I were having dinner tonight he dropped a piece of sweet potato in his high chair.  This is not uncommon, I know, wait for it…He was having a difficult time grabbing it so I asked if I could help.  I picked up the sweet potato from his seat and placed it back on his tray.  Finn watched my every move.  When he saw that I was finished moving his food he proceeded to pick up the same piece and place it back in the high chair, pick it up himself and eat it!

2 thoughts on “Mr. Independent

  1. YEAH!!! Just wait till that independence shows up when you take his hand to cross the street – ever so exhilarating to see your tyke slap away your hand and start for the street!!!!!!!

    Love to all,
    WHOHAH ‘n POPOPOPOPOPOPOP (just LOVE the way those 2 fingers work together – could go on forever!)

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