Monthly Archives: May 2013

Wrestling an alligator

Fionbharr is showing us how strong he is on a daily basis.  This extends to grabbing momma’s hair and glasses and pulling himself up on the stairs and the TV stand.  Changing his diaper is becoming something of a challenge.  He will turn this way and that, reach for the doggie’s tails and turns over to his belly in a split second!  Don’t get me wrong, I love looking at that little tooshie!  For me, it’s just further confirmation that Finn is exactly like his daddy was- a busy butt!


What’s yours is mine, momma!

Finn and I were invited to visit Uncle Fer Fer downtown with Kristin and the kiddos today.  Uncle Fer Fer works in a nice building with a great food court on the main level.  I got a yummy sandwich from Au Bon Pain and a bottle of water because it was sooooo hot outside.  Well, I opened my water and by the time I had just one sip Finn was reaching for the bottle.  I told him that it was my water and that mommy was so thirsty.  Apparently, so was Finn.  He began screaming and throwing a fit!  I offered him a couple sips thinking that would be enough…I thought wrong!  I couldn’t even eat my sandwich because he was screaming so loudly!  If you know him you know how loud he is!  I always thought I would be the parent to hold my ground and not give in…I’ve found it to be much different in reality.  I had no idea I’d give in so quickly.  But, seriously, I felt like a terrible person for denying the poor kid water!  Long story short, Auntie Kristin was kind enough to distract Finn with the huge fountain so that I could eat.  I guess I’m going to have to learn to share!

Ocean City, MD 2013

This past weekend was the McBride clan’s annual trip to the beach!  Here are a couple of pictures of us.  Finn loved the sand, not too sure about the water because it was too cold!  It was an unusually cold Memorial Day for Ocean City, so it kept the boardwalk pretty quiet.  The Sink part of the family was showing a bit in Finn as he enjoyed two 2 hour naps a day!  Of course, now that we’re home those long naps have stopped!

We were the first to arrive Friday afternoon and decided to get some dinner.  Soon after dinner we noticed Finn’s eye weeping then we saw some gunk in it.  We thought maybe pink eye, but really thought it was nothing because it came up so quickly, but sure enough it was pink eye!  So we spent Saturday morning at the 75th street urgent care, then picking up his prescription.  Finn was no worse for wear and it certainly didn’t slow him down any!

My beach bums


hanging with his cuz

hanging with his cuz


Did you say food?!

Did you say food?!


And the winner is…

The stinky polka dotted receiving blanket!  Who would’ve guessed?!  One day on an extremely fussy day I was trying to put Finn down for a nap and I remembered that he was also throwing up a lot too, because of his teething.  So I grabbed the blanket to cover myself and Finn smiled so big and put his head down on the blanket!  So, polka dot it is!

The Lovie Game

Welcome to The Lovie Game!  You know the old game show The Dating Game…The lovie game is played much the same!  However, in this version you get to know the outcome of the “date”!

Let’s meet the contestants, shall we?!

First up is Mr. Tiger.  Mr. Tiger lives on the bookshelf above Finn’s changing table.  He enjoys looking down at Finn and helping him stay happy during diaper changes.

Our second contestant is a crazy, Peruvian monkey, named Oliver!  He rolls around with Finn during tummy time!

Contestant number three is a no name from the wrong side of the tracks!  He’s a stinky polka dotted receiving blanket that is used to clean Finn’s spit up.

Question #1

Do you like bath time?

Mr. Tiger:  “I love bath time because Finn gets to snuggle with me after!”

Oliver:  “Dude, is that the one where the dog licks me?”

Stinky polka dotted receiving blanket:  “Despise t!  You see this stain here?  It’s when Finn spit up a little squash.  And this one is from last night, oh, man, that was a good one!  Dad had just handed Finn to mommy and Finn spit up right on her!  Hahaha,  Guess you had to be there!

Question #2

What is Finn’s favorite game?

Mr. Tiger:  “Getting his diaper changed!”

Oliver:  “Rollin’, of course!”

Stinky polka dotted receiving blanket:  “Nice try, guys.  It’s peek a boo!”


And the winner is…

Stayed tuned, the winner will be announced next week!




Brendan and I have never been so busy before.  Our social calendar, well, should I say Finn’s social calendar, is jam packed!  So, trying to find a time when the entire McBride and Sink clans could come together was something of a challenge.  Luckily, Auntie Kristin doesn’t mind sharing!  Finn and Violet had a combined baptism and what was really great was they were the only kids being baptized that Sunday!  Of course, Violet, being the little lady she is, sat through the entire thing without a peep.  Finn on the other hand had a lot of the devil to get out!  He was yelling and talking and wasn’t at all thrilled with the holy water being poured on his head!

Once pictures were taken of all respective families everyone came back to our house for some food and fun!  The dogs were so pleased to see that everyone came to see them!  I was actually very pleased at how well the dogs did with all the kids. And it really is amazing how many people we can fit into our little house!

It was the best first Mother’s Day ever!  Thank you all for making it so special!

Rollin’ Rollin’ Rollin’

These past few weeks have been busy for Finn.  We’ve started all sorts of different foods and Finn has decided to get movin’!  Yep, he’s doing the military crawl and rolling to get where he wants to go!  All of a sudden it’s a mad dash to pick things up, like Fred’s toys and our shoes!  The poor dogs don’t really know what to make of it, but they are quick with a ‘kiss’.  Fred is really funny with Finn.  He brings him his toys, oh and Jasper gives Finn ‘hugs’.