What’s yours is mine, momma!

Finn and I were invited to visit Uncle Fer Fer downtown with Kristin and the kiddos today.  Uncle Fer Fer works in a nice building with a great food court on the main level.  I got a yummy sandwich from Au Bon Pain and a bottle of water because it was sooooo hot outside.  Well, I opened my water and by the time I had just one sip Finn was reaching for the bottle.  I told him that it was my water and that mommy was so thirsty.  Apparently, so was Finn.  He began screaming and throwing a fit!  I offered him a couple sips thinking that would be enough…I thought wrong!  I couldn’t even eat my sandwich because he was screaming so loudly!  If you know him you know how loud he is!  I always thought I would be the parent to hold my ground and not give in…I’ve found it to be much different in reality.  I had no idea I’d give in so quickly.  But, seriously, I felt like a terrible person for denying the poor kid water!  Long story short, Auntie Kristin was kind enough to distract Finn with the huge fountain so that I could eat.  I guess I’m going to have to learn to share!

One thought on “What’s yours is mine, momma!

  1. Guard your food now. He will be after that next! I always start with an extra extra large meal because because the baby birds come and eat it little by little, especially Xavier.

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