The Lovie Game

Welcome to The Lovie Game!  You know the old game show The Dating Game…The lovie game is played much the same!  However, in this version you get to know the outcome of the “date”!

Let’s meet the contestants, shall we?!

First up is Mr. Tiger.  Mr. Tiger lives on the bookshelf above Finn’s changing table.  He enjoys looking down at Finn and helping him stay happy during diaper changes.

Our second contestant is a crazy, Peruvian monkey, named Oliver!  He rolls around with Finn during tummy time!

Contestant number three is a no name from the wrong side of the tracks!  He’s a stinky polka dotted receiving blanket that is used to clean Finn’s spit up.

Question #1

Do you like bath time?

Mr. Tiger:  “I love bath time because Finn gets to snuggle with me after!”

Oliver:  “Dude, is that the one where the dog licks me?”

Stinky polka dotted receiving blanket:  “Despise t!  You see this stain here?  It’s when Finn spit up a little squash.  And this one is from last night, oh, man, that was a good one!  Dad had just handed Finn to mommy and Finn spit up right on her!  Hahaha,  Guess you had to be there!

Question #2

What is Finn’s favorite game?

Mr. Tiger:  “Getting his diaper changed!”

Oliver:  “Rollin’, of course!”

Stinky polka dotted receiving blanket:  “Nice try, guys.  It’s peek a boo!”


And the winner is…

Stayed tuned, the winner will be announced next week!



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