Rollin’ Rollin’ Rollin’

These past few weeks have been busy for Finn.  We’ve started all sorts of different foods and Finn has decided to get movin’!  Yep, he’s doing the military crawl and rolling to get where he wants to go!  All of a sudden it’s a mad dash to pick things up, like Fred’s toys and our shoes!  The poor dogs don’t really know what to make of it, but they are quick with a ‘kiss’.  Fred is really funny with Finn.  He brings him his toys, oh and Jasper gives Finn ‘hugs’.

One thought on “Rollin’ Rollin’ Rollin’

  1. Jasper and Fred are the older brothers, and clearly are acting as such. Not to mention that Finn will not suffer from allergies. You can tell when kiddo is tired of the crawling “thing”. After he rolls onto his back and bumps his head a couple times, he kinda says “enuff ‘o this. Somebody pick me up and make me feel better.” So the nearest adult answers the call of the wounded, and picks him up nad he complains for a little bit, but then settles down to take on another challenge. What a doll baby!! Love EVERY move he makes.

    Love to all,

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