Bringing home baby

As I’ve mentioned before Brendan and I had no idea what to do with Finn once we got him home.  Our ‘normal’ routine was no longer.  It was Finn’s show now!  For some reason it made sense for us to hole up in the basement until we could make our game plan.  Our cave was set up nicely with the pull out couch, TV and endless bottles for the young one.  Finn slept in the Fisher Price rocker next to the bed.  I had no idea how much to feed a newborn and no idea how much they actually ate!

What finally got us out of the cave was the TV.  Slowly, day by day it died!  I know I should have been sleeping while Finn slept, but I had a lot stories to catch up on!  Like I haven’t seen every episode of CSI by now!  Now, I read somewhere that newborns sleep like 20 hours a day…what they failed to mention is that they only sleep in two hour increments!  The other time is spent screaming to be fed, changed and rocked back to sleep!

Once we moved to the main level of the house things got a little easier.  When Brendan came home from work we would eat whatever dinner I managed to put together using only one hand.  At this point, Finn wasn’t in his crib yet.  He slept in his cradle or on us most of the time.  Brendan would sit with him until about midnight so I could get some sleep, then I would sleep on the couch until about 4 or 5.  Sometimes when he wouldn’t go back to sleep I scooped him up to sleep on my chest.

I searched online everyday for what to do with my newborn and what to expect.  It’s the first time in my life I don’t mind research.  Well, I read how easy it was for some other mommies to get their babes in the crib, so I thought I’d give it a try.  We started with naps and finally he slept in his crib at around 9 or 10 weeks.  The innovations in baby monitors these days are AMAZING!  We have a video monitor and if the sun comes through just right I can see Finn breathing!  Of course, now Brendan and I don’t sleep!  We’re constantly going into his room checking to see if he’s breathing, making sure that the temperature is cool enough.  I used to check Finn’s breathing with the nightlight he had in the room, but Brendan showed me how to just place my hand on his chest and feel his breathing!  I guess I was just always afraid I’d wake him up…and everyone knows you don’t wake a sleeping baby!

Well, now I know!


One thought on “Bringing home baby

  1. This is GREAT!! I enjoy reading what could easily be turned into a script. That is, “ANDBABYMAKES…” ought to be a title for a TV show!! Fionbharr is a diamond in the rough. The Daddy and The Mommy are artisans polishing his facets, and to my mind, he sparkles!

    Love to all,
    POPOPOPOPOPOPOPOPOP (sounds like popcorn)

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