Finn in pictures

about 6 months along

about 6 months along

Dude, turn off the lights!

Dude, turn off the lights!

So you're the one that's been kicking me!

So you’re the one that’s been kicking me!

Checking out daddy

Checking out daddy

so peaceful

so peaceful

baldy boy

baldy boy

tummy time!

tummy time!

I couldn't resist this one!

I couldn’t resist this one!

Finn's first Turkey day!

Finn’s first Turkey day!


Sister Mary Fionbharr

Sister Mary Fionbharr

Finn's first Christmas

Finn’s first Christmas


Our first family Christmas picture

Our first family Christmas picture




Finn's first big boy seat

Finn’s first big boy seat

with his buddy, Fred

with his buddy, Fred

Finn's favorite playmate!

Finn’s favorite playmate!


I found my toe!

I found my toe!

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