Finn-Part Deux

Ok…where did we leave off…oh, yeah, the mothers were running around like crazy to get us newborn sized clothing!

I won’t lie, the first few weeks were a blur.  We spent those first few weeks in the basement.  I have no idea why!  It’s like we had no idea what to do with the kid!  It’s not like we had a fully equipped nursery upstairs or anything!  When Brendan went back to work my days were spent feeding, changing, clothing and rocking Finn.  Looking back, it was actually easier to take a shower when he was a newborn than it is now!

At Finn’s 6 weeks appointment with Dr. Murphy he weighed 12 lbs and was 22 in tall!  He took his first shots like a champ and didn’t have any reaction.  All milestones were being met.  It was at this point that my sister in law mentioned to me that she had a few bags of children’s clothes that I was welcome to have.  I spent 2 days sorting and washing!

The next set of shots came at 3 1/2 months.  He weighed in at 16 lbs 10 oz and was 25 1/2 in tall.  Again, all milestones were being met!  My sister in law had 7 more bags of clothing ranging in size from 6-12 months!  Finn is set for his first year, as far as clothes go!  It’s been so helpful!

One cold day in March we found out our furnace was broken.  That explained why it was so cold in Finn’s room!  I took this opportunity to take Finn to all the way to Nanny and Grandpa’s house!  He spent the weekend playing with Blitzen and Bruno (my parent’s labs!) and with Nanny.  Grandpa was a bit under the weather and made himself scarce.

The 5 1/2 month appointment was one we were looking forward to because the doc was going to discuss starting Finn on solid food!  So, Finn weighed a whopping 19 lbs and was 26 1/2 in tall!  How can kids grow so quickly on just baby formula?!  Dr. Murphy advised us to start him on fruit and cereal, then slowly introduce yellow veggies and green veggies.  As soon as I got back to my parent’s house (we were still waiting for the furnace to be fixed) I mentioned that the doc had given the go ahead for solid foods.  So, didn’t my mother go down to the basement and come back up with two different kinds of cereal and an armful of Gerber!  Finn’s first food was banana and multigrain cereal.  We soon realized our mistake with the multigrain cereal because it upset his little belly.  To no ones surprise, Finn loves food!  He had no problems sucking those bananas right down!  And what a mess he made!

I decided early on that I would make Finn’s food.  Now I know that Brendan had troubles with certain dyes and additives in food, as does Finn’s cousin.  So, I feel even better in my decision!  When I began making his food it was like I was new to the kitchen.  I felt like I had no idea what I was doing!  I very quickly found out that my blender was the best to puree his food, as my processor has only a 3 cup capacity.

So far Finn has tried butternut squash (not his fav at all!), apples, peaches (his fav, but not his tummy’s!) and carrots.  Next up is sweet potatoes then broccoli!  I’m having such a good time picking out the fresh produce and cooking and pureeing all his food!

Well, I guess you’re all caught up with Finn’s first 5 1/2 months!  Oh yeah…his first tooth pushed its way out on Easter!

One thought on “Finn-Part Deux

  1. I am not surprised one bit that he is a food lover but I have a feeling Finn will love squash one day. Mix it will apples and he will surely love it.

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