Ocean City, MD 2013

This past weekend was the McBride clan’s annual trip to the beach!  Here are a couple of pictures of us.  Finn loved the sand, not too sure about the water because it was too cold!  It was an unusually cold Memorial Day for Ocean City, so it kept the boardwalk pretty quiet.  The Sink part of the family was showing a bit in Finn as he enjoyed two 2 hour naps a day!  Of course, now that we’re home those long naps have stopped!

We were the first to arrive Friday afternoon and decided to get some dinner.  Soon after dinner we noticed Finn’s eye weeping then we saw some gunk in it.  We thought maybe pink eye, but really thought it was nothing because it came up so quickly, but sure enough it was pink eye!  So we spent Saturday morning at the 75th street urgent care, then picking up his prescription.  Finn was no worse for wear and it certainly didn’t slow him down any!

My beach bums


hanging with his cuz

hanging with his cuz


Did you say food?!

Did you say food?!


One thought on “Ocean City, MD 2013

  1. Love the “did you say food” pict. LOL. Phew – so glad Finn is a beach lover.

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