How time flies!

Wow!  It’s been three years since Liam was born which also happened to be my last post, oops.

Now that the kids are 3 and 5 it is getting a little easier to travel with them.  We recently visited the Great Wolf Lodge and we had a blast!  The kids enjoyed the water park, arcade games and magicquest.

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Finn was uber-excited to go to a Washington Capitals game with daddy.  As per his request, it was earlier in the day so he wouldn’t be so tired.  🙂






And baby makes 4

Liam Padraig McBride joined the clan January 10, 2015 at 1:50 a.m.  He was more than ready to come earthside!  Sit back and grab a quick snack while I tell you his story.

Friday, the 9th started like any other crazy morning with a 2 year old.  I was pretty sure labor was soon to start, so my mom came over to sit with Finn just in case I needed to leave.  Well, it turned out to be a nice visit with Nannie.  Nothing happened all day!  Fast forward to 10:30 p.m.  I had just lay down to get some sleep when they began.  I quickly installed the contraction counter app.  Sure enough, consistent contractions a few minutes apart for an hour.  I had just heard Brendan start to snore downstairs, so I decided to go wake him up!  🙂

We called my mom, who must have made it to our house in record time!  We called Mari, our wonderful doula, and said “It’s time!”.  By this time it was going on midnight.  My contractions were getting a lot closer, but were masked a bit by the wonderful TENS unit provided by Mari.

Brendan started warming the car around 1 a.m.  (Remember a couple paragraphs up that mentioned what time Liam was born?!)  When we arrived at the hospital the valet service wasn’t being offered.  So, we parked in the garage and hoofed it to registration.  You’re supposed to walk while in active labor, right?!  Once checked into triage, the nurse checked and told me I was 8 cm dilated!  All of a sudden, I said to myself “I can’t do this, I need meds!”.  It was at that moment I felt this amazing urge to push.  My water broke and all hell broke loose!

Nurses came running, they pushed Brendan out of the way and began rolling me ever so quickly to labor and delivery.  It, seriously, felt like a scene out of ER!  Man, I do mish that show.  But I digress.

Meanwhile, Brendan had received a text that Mari had just gotten to the hospital and he quickly gave her our room number.  She tells me that she had come off the elevator and could hear me yelling so she started to run a bit!  I had always heard that second babies were faster, but never really understood.  I kept telling the nurses I needed to push and they kept telling me to “Wait, hold on”.  Like I had that option!  Mari made it just in time to remind me that the hardest part was already over and baby would join us soon.

Three short pushes later…

7 lbs. 11 oz. 21 1/2 inches long!

7 lbs. 11 oz. 21 1/2 inches long!



Finn absolutely loves being a big brother!  First thing he asks when he wakes up in the morning “Oh, where baby, daddy?”.  All day long, it’s “I hold baby, mommy.  I kiss baby, mommy!”.



Winter Fun


With me being very pregnant it was difficult to take Finn anywhere by myself.  This winter has also been very wet, thus making it inconvenient going out back without having to put on waders!

We had our first snow worth playing in!  Finn really enjoyed going outside and playing in the snow with the dogs.

All bundled up and ready to go

All bundled up and ready to go

How does he still manage to find sticks?!


Mr. Finn turns 2!!!

Our little boy is growing up!

Finn had a wonderful time at his birthday party.  We thought this would be a good time to get to know his classmates a little better and most were able to attend.  Finn is such a social butterfly and really seems to enjoy having friends and family over to the house.


Enough singing, I need those cupcakes!

Enough singing, I need those cupcakes!


Cousin Violet enjoying all the balloons!

Cousin Violet enjoying all the balloons!



Finn in currently enrolled in a childhood enrichment program that lasts from September all the way to May!  He’s only going a couple times a week for four hours, but I’m glad to have the extra time to get things done.

The kiddos begin their day by washing hands and playing!  I mean, who wouldn’t love it, right?!  As expected, Finn loves school.  The only crying going on is because he wants to visit the other classrooms and see how much fun they’re having!  By the end of the day he’s ready to leave.  He gets so excited to see me (my heart melts!) and says “bye, bye, bye” to his classmates and teachers.



Ocean City

Ocean City


Finn would only go on the sand with shoes on!

Finn would only go on the sand with shoes on!

Can I help, Pa?

Can I help, Pa?

Helping Whohah wash her car

Helping Whohah wash her car

Daddy helped, too!

Daddy helped, too!



Hangin' with my cuz

Hangin’ with my cuz


Exploring the new back yard

Exploring the new back yard

Finn and Daddy

Finn and Daddy

Finn and Popop

Finn and Popop

Hanging out

Hanging out

First night in his big boy bed

First night in his big boy bed

At the 4-H fair

At the 4-H fair

Someone has been watching momma try on dresses for Uncle Tommy's wedding!

Someone has been watching momma try on dresses for Uncle Tommy’s wedding!

Reading on a rainy day

Reading on a rainy day

No high chair for me, thanks.

No high chair for me, thanks.



Busy, busy, busy

It has been some time since I last posted, sorry!  The West Springfield McBride’s have now become the Burke McBride’s.  We have been in the new house for a couple of months and couldn’t be happier with our new digs.  Finn loves the back yard!  We have plenty of space and I finally don’t feel like a hoarder.  We are still getting settled, but I love the fact that there’s a place for everyone’s “stuff”.

In case there’s anyone that follows the blog that I don’t speak to on a regular basis:  I’m pregnant!  That’s right, Finn is going to be a big brother in January!


Finn has been going to a Mom’s day out program at PB & Jack for the past 1 1/2 months and we see such a change in him.  Our baby is no more, we now have a little man.  There are changes that you’d expect from a little boy that’s almost 2 years old.  He has become very good at tantrums.  When he’s frustrated he puts his hands up by his face and screams at the top of his lungs.  Then he’ll look at you like, “Now do you understand, mom?!”.  He’s also talking up a storm.  Anything I say will quickly be repeated.  Luckily, the only word from the car is “Go!”.



Florida, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s. Oh, my!

Yes, we’ve been busy these past few months!  So, let’s get everyone up to speed:

Just before Thanksgiving Finn and I went back down to Florida to visit Great Grandpa Sullivan for his birthday!  The flight, of course, was long and Finn is still not a fan of flying.  Once we landed, though, it was smooth sailing!  Finn was so happy to see familiar faces.


Finn helping Great Grandpa open his birthday card.

Finn helping Great Grandpa open his birthday card.

Nannie, how did you get here?!

Nannie, how did you get here?!

Hey, I know you! (Finn with his great Aunt Lynn)

Hey, I know you! (Finn with his great Aunt Lynn)

Happy birthday, Grandpa!

Happy birthday, Grandpa!

I decided to stay in the same hotel since it had everything we needed and a lot was within walking distance.  The hotel is a couple of blocks from the beach, has a huge bedroom and a separate living room so mommy doesn’t have to go to sleep when Finn does!  It also has a little kitchenette with a microwave and mini fridge.  Finn still hates the car seat with a passion!


Finn discovered the cabinets

Finn discovered the cabinets


We got back to town just in time for Turkey day dinner with the McBride clan.  Since Popop has been down with an infection in his knee we went over to help cook.  I’m not sure how much help Finn was, but he sure did try!

Watching the parade with Whoha

Watching the parade with Whoha

Finn loves to help in the kitchen!

Finn loves to help in the kitchen!

Mostly, he just likes to eat

Mostly, he just likes to eat

Merry Christmas!


You know Jasper and Fred have to check out whatever Finn has!

Thanks Uncle Aaron and Auntie Tara!

Thanks Uncle Aaron and Auntie Tara!

Christmas Eve we spent with the McBride’s opening presents.  Finn didn’t know where to start!  He quickly became overwhelmed with all of the activity.  His cousins were running this way and that and the poor little guy just couldn’t keep up!  We ended up leaving abruptly because it was obviously time for bed.

We spent the Christmas morning at our house opening presents and of course, playing with them!  We had breakfast with the McBride’s and then headed over to the Sink’s for the rest of the day!




Learning the art of the 'dip dip'

Learning the art of the ‘dip dip’

I'll help you clean, momma!

I’ll help you clean, momma!

Our little boy isn’t a baby anymore!  He’s turning into such a little boy and becoming such a sweetie.  Finn must be involved in every aspect of our daily life.  If I’m in the kitchen he must come and help be stir.  He’s trying to help with the laundry as well.  Mostly, he ends up pulling clothes out of the bag and running away with them!


We are no longer huge partyers, so New Year’s was spent at home.  I think I went to bed around 11 because I could no longer keep my eyes open.  Promptly at 11:50 p.m. Finn woke up and we rang in the new year rocking to the sound of the fireworks.

So, that’s was our holiday season in a nutshell!






A boy, his dog and a fort

Fred has been attached to Finn since he was swimming around in my belly.  Every day they get closer.  It’s really cute, actually.




Doggie kisses

Finn has realized that he can move the sofa cushions (and pretty much every one of his toys that weigh a lot!).  He likes to jump on them and get underneath them, so I figured it was time to show him how much fun he could have with them!

Finn's first fort

Finn’s first fort



Mommy’s little helper

Finn is growing by leaps and bounds!  He is always curious as to what I’m doing, whether in the kitchen or putting laundry in to wash.  Finn will grab a dish towel and make a back and forth motion on the floor, as to clean up a spill.  He will grab the Swiffer and push it around Nannie and Grandpa’s!  He loves to help fold laundry.  I’m telling you, it’s almost time to bring the step stool into the kitchen so he can help me!

Last night I thought I’d try a little experiment:  I told Finn it was time to go upstairs and take a bath.  He walked right over to the gate and waited for me to open it.  Once opened he walked right on through and with a little patience from me, Finn made his way up the stairs.  He proceeded to run around our bedroom and when I reminded him it was bath time, he walked straight into the bathroom!  I’m learning everyday that Finn is his own little person and I am amazed by how much of what I say he understands.