Busy, busy, busy

It has been some time since I last posted, sorry!  The West Springfield McBride’s have now become the Burke McBride’s.  We have been in the new house for a couple of months and couldn’t be happier with our new digs.  Finn loves the back yard!  We have plenty of space and I finally don’t feel like a hoarder.  We are still getting settled, but I love the fact that there’s a place for everyone’s “stuff”.

In case there’s anyone that follows the blog that I don’t speak to on a regular basis:  I’m pregnant!  That’s right, Finn is going to be a big brother in January!


Finn has been going to a Mom’s day out program at PB & Jack for the past 1 1/2 months and we see such a change in him.  Our baby is no more, we now have a little man.  There are changes that you’d expect from a little boy that’s almost 2 years old.  He has become very good at tantrums.  When he’s frustrated he puts his hands up by his face and screams at the top of his lungs.  Then he’ll look at you like, “Now do you understand, mom?!”.  He’s also talking up a storm.  Anything I say will quickly be repeated.  Luckily, the only word from the car is “Go!”.



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