We have a fishy!

Since it was so hot yesterday Brendan and I took Finn to the pool.  Although he liked the beach, you can never tell if a kid will like the pool also.  Of course, daddy just got right in while mommy prefers the one toe at a time approach.  I was holding Finn and let him put his feet in the water.  Slowly, I put a little more of him in the water since it was cold still.  Finn bent over to splash his hands in the water and we just knew he was okay with it!  He went straight into Brendan’s arms and swam around and splashed and kicked!  He won’t let me lay him flat to float yet, but I have a feeling we’ll be working on in a lot this summer!


Getting ready for the pool

Getting ready for the pool




After the pool it was time to put on his party clothes for the block party at Whoha and Pop Pops.

I don't need clothes, mom!

I don’t need clothes, mom!


One thought on “We have a fishy!

  1. “Da POO! Da POO! I see Da POO!!! (even if only from my living room window and it is way far away). But I gotta go to Da POO!!! WATER!!!!!!!

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