
Fionbharr is walking while holding on to the couch!  It’s amazing that just a couple of weeks ago he was trying to crawl and now he’s almost walking!  He will hold on with just one hand and put his other hand out towards me as if to say ‘help me momma!’  He will take a couple of steps while holding my hand then let go and lunge towards me with the biggest grin on his face!  So please with himself!

One thought on “T-R-O-U-B-L-E!

  1. Well, now that the kiddo is “cruizin”, won’t be long till he’s runnin’. If memory serves, the “B” kinda just lept over the walkin’ stuff and ran.

    Lookin’ forward to “hide-‘n-seek” in the yard and baseball with the trees ‘n bushes as bases.

    Love to all,

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