8 months old :)

Finn turned 8 months old Monday and is in rare form so far!  He woke up Monday morning with a scream!  Whenever mommy or daddy walk away from him he screams.  When you take anything away from him, he screams.  Tired, screams.  Squishy tooshie, screams.  You get the idea.  Trying to keep Finn happy these days is a bit of a challenge and nothing really works.  I’ve been looking online for possible explanations of his newfound ‘voice’.  Sure enough, it’s right about time for separation anxiety and a huge mental development occurs at this stage.  So, if anyone is planning to visit our house, please excuse the mess because little Finn doesn’t let mommy get much done until he goes to sleep.  Of course, by then mommy is also exhausted!  Finn usually goes to bed around 6:30 p.m. and will make it to about 10-10:30 p.m. then will come and sleep with mommy or daddy (depending on whose turn it is to get up!).  Mommy usually sleeps with him until about 1-1:30 a.m. then can get him back to his own bed, where he will sleep until about 5-5:30 a.m.  I don’t know what daddy does, nor do I care, because I’m sleeping!  He then may have a bottle to get back to sleep…he’ll stay in bed until about 7:30 a.m.!  Then, it’s time to start our day!  Then my day is spent keeping Finn away from the TV (I just keep the damn thing off now!)  I’m afraid all my hair will just fall out overnight!


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