Summer 2013

It has been one crazy, busy summer!  First great Aunt Lynn and cousin Kelly came all the way from Florida to visit Finn.

Finn and cousin Kelly

Finn and cousin Kelly

Finn with his great Aunt Lynn

Finn with his great Aunt Lynn


Then Uncle Aaron and Auntie Tara came too!

Auntie Tara and Uncle Aaron

Auntie Tara and Uncle Aaron


Uncle Aaron helping Finn with his first corn on the cobb

Uncle Aaron helping Finn with his first corn on the cobb

Grandpa and Finn

Grandpa and Finn

Then I took Finn on his greatest adventure yet!  We flew down to Florida to visit great grandpa Sullivan!  He screamed the entire way to Miami, mainly because he couldn’t get down and play.  Of course, as soon as we got off the plane he passed out.  The second flight to Orlando was much better since it was only 45 minutes.

Finn and his great grandpa

Finn and his great grandpa

To keep my sanity I decided to drive back up to Virginia and we stopped to see grammaw and grandpa Yates in North Carolina.



It has taken me a full week to recover from our ‘vacation’!  I don’t think I’ll attempt traveling with a baby by myself again for quite some time!



One thought on “Summer 2013

  1. I love the photos of us and Finn!! They turned out so good. I especially like the corn on the cob one with Aaron! Lol. I was so sorry to read about you having to drive back from Orlando! What an ordeal that must have been 🙁

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