Friendly Finn

I’ve noticed in the past few months just how friendly Finn is.  We enjoy going to PB & Jack so Finn can run around and play and mommy can catch her breath!  Finn will raise his arms to be picked up by just about anyone!  He loves seeing his cousins and always greets them with a smile and wants to hug and kiss them.

Lately, he will climb up into our lap and sit long enough for half a story book.  His personality is really coming through.  When we eat he always has to have a fork or two because he likes to do it himself.  Yogurt is usually reserved for dinner time since bath is shortly after!  Watching Finn do things for himself makes me so proud and sad at the same time because once I show him how to do something he’s an ‘expert’ and no longer wants my help.  Sometimes he will humor me and ask for my help, for the interaction, if anything.

Oh, I forgot to mention that Finn is now dancing and riding his new ride on dino that I got for a steal at the consignment sale!

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