I have a little shadow…

That goes in and out with me…and his name is Fionbharr.  Since Finn started walking there is no slowing him down!  It, actually, could explain why we’re getting a good night’s sleep.  From the moment he wakes up in the morning, until he puts his head down in the crib, he goes and goes and goes!  Finn is into everything…the shine has finally worn off the dogs water bowl and now he’s moved onto the trash can.  The other day Finn obviously thought the garbage needed to be emptied because he grabbed a dirty napkin out of it and ran happily across the room with his prize.  He has mastered climbing up AND down the stairs between the dining room and the living room.  Finn has a great time trying to go down the stairs one way…backwards, and then trying another…going down sideways bump-bump style.  It continues to amaze me how he learns so quickly.  Finn is also very independent…don’t know where he gets that from 😉  I’m not sure how happy I am that we’re raising an independent child.  He lets me know when he wants my help, however, I think he’s just humoring me.

Our little foodie

Finn will at least try just about anything I put in front of him.  Finn does, however, have his faves, banana being his #1 all time favorite thing to eat!  If I bring a banana into sight he will get a big ‘ol smile on his face and start pointing and grunting that he wants it.  Other Finn favorites include:  sliced blueberries, grapes, cheese, buttered bread, bread with ricotta, yogurt with any type of fruit in it, mini ravioli, the kid even likes cottage cheese!  I do have to remember that whatever I make for him I have to be willing to eat just in case he doesn’t care for it.  There are so many foods for Finn to try and not enough meals in the day!

Summer 2013

It has been one crazy, busy summer!  First great Aunt Lynn and cousin Kelly came all the way from Florida to visit Finn.

Finn and cousin Kelly

Finn and cousin Kelly

Finn with his great Aunt Lynn

Finn with his great Aunt Lynn


Then Uncle Aaron and Auntie Tara came too!

Auntie Tara and Uncle Aaron

Auntie Tara and Uncle Aaron


Uncle Aaron helping Finn with his first corn on the cobb

Uncle Aaron helping Finn with his first corn on the cobb

Grandpa and Finn

Grandpa and Finn

Then I took Finn on his greatest adventure yet!  We flew down to Florida to visit great grandpa Sullivan!  He screamed the entire way to Miami, mainly because he couldn’t get down and play.  Of course, as soon as we got off the plane he passed out.  The second flight to Orlando was much better since it was only 45 minutes.

Finn and his great grandpa

Finn and his great grandpa

To keep my sanity I decided to drive back up to Virginia and we stopped to see grammaw and grandpa Yates in North Carolina.



It has taken me a full week to recover from our ‘vacation’!  I don’t think I’ll attempt traveling with a baby by myself again for quite some time!



Meet me in St. Louis

July 13, 2013 was the Vetz (Fran’s side of the family) family reunion in beautiful St. Louis.  This was our longest road trip to date with little Finn and I must say he did wonderfully!  We decided to leave on Wednesday July 10th after Brendan got home from work.  We made it all the way to St. Clairsville, OH before we had to stop for the night.  Well, actually, we stayed a couple exits from St. Clairsville because there’s some pipeline being built and all of the hotels in the immediate area were occupied by workers.  So, Brendan called around and found a place with a room.  In hindsight Brendan said he should’ve known what kind of room it would be when the guy said:  “The only thing I’ve got left is one of them hot tub rooms.”  For most people calling at 1:30 a.m. for a room that must be quite a selling point!  The room had a big mirror behind the head board and on the ceiling.  It was, however, clean and had a bed.  Finn loved waking up being able to look at himself in the mirrors!

After a quick breakfast at Steak n’ Shake we were on our way again.  According to the GPS we were to arrive in St. Louis around supper time.  We were all planning to have supper at Fitz’s, which besides, A&W (what I grew up with) has the yummiest root beer!

We were lucky enough to stay with Brendan’s Uncle Jim and Aunt Jan.  Finn immediately took to Uncle Jim.

On Friday we went to the St. Louis Arch.  YIKES!  When Uncle Jim and Popop asked me if I was uncomfortable with enclosed spaces that should have raised a red flag, but I went anyway.  The ‘pod’ that you go up in has 5 little seats and you barely have enough room to sit up straight!  Once we reached the top is when the real trouble started for me.  I’m not a fan of heights and because of the ‘arch’ I was unable to get my balance the entire time.  We spent all of 7 minutes at the top and that was just fine with me.  At least I can say that I did it!

Saturday was the big day!  As always, it’s controlled chaos getting all of us on the same page and at the same place at the same time.  The reunion was being held at a park close by and we were all in charge of our own meals and drinks.  This was to be the biggest birthday party I’d ever had!   Turns out I had to share it with Dillon Easton, 2nd cousin once removed. 😉  It was wonderful seeing that I married into such a large family!

Sorry it’s taken me soooo long to finish this darn post!  We’ve had so much going on and there’s so much more to come!




Two peas in a pod

Two peas in a pod


I had no idea what I was getting into

I had no idea what I was getting into


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Updating the family tree

Updating the family tree

The McBride clan

The McBride clan




Popop trying to teach Finn the piano

Popop trying to teach Finn the piano


My new bestie!

My new bestie!

Red Caboose Motel

Last weekend was our first family vacation (just the three of us, that is!).  For our 7th anniversary Brendan took us to the Red Caboose Motel in Strasburg, PA.  This was Finn’s 2nd official road trip and he did wonderfully!  We left on Friday around 3 p.m. just as a big rain storm was coming in!  Needless to say, traffic was terrible and it took us much longer than expected!  Finn only had one major meltdown, but once he was done he was in a great mood.  In perfect Finn fashion he fell asleep just as we were getting into Strasburg!  We decided to stop at Ruby Tuesday for dinner and therefore had to wake him up.  We arrived at the hotel to find that we had been upgraded to a larger caboose!  The main room had a double bed, TV, vanity w/sink, a mini fridge and a microwave.  The second bedroom was just a bed, TV and nightstand.  We set Finn up in the second room hoping he would sleep all night by himself, at least.  I wasn’t feeling well, so I took some Alka Seltzer nighttime and Brendan took care of the kid.  He ended up in the bed with Finn!  I woke up well rested and ready to have fun!  We had breakfast in the motel restaurant which is an old train dining car.  Much to my surprise halfway into our meal the car began to shake, as if we were really going down the tracks!  I thought it was an earthquake and asked Brendan what the heck was going on!  After breakfast we headed to the outlets for a little shopping.  We took Finn on his first train ride, also!  He had no idea we were on a train, all he knew was that we were moving and he didn’t have to be strapped into his car seat!  He enjoyed looking out the window at the trees and people we passed.

We left after breakfast Sunday morning and within 30-45 minutes of driving Finn was fast asleep and stayed asleep almost the whole way home!  I am sure that having his new car seat helped with his mood and I’m a little more hopeful for our next road trip!

All ready for my trip!

All ready for my trip!

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This is so cool!

This is so cool!

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June 28, 2006

7 years ago was a hot and humid Wednesday in Key West, FL.  At 8:30 a.m. I was in Ross buying an ivory colored dress and matching shoes.  I spent $25.  When I returned to my apartment I showered and put my hair into a simple bun…let’s be honest Florida in June=frizz city for hair like mine!  I looked at myself in the mirror and said “This is it!”  My friend Ildi picked me up and drove me to the courthouse.  My friend Jana was already there waiting with Brendan.  Our ceremony was short and to be honest, I don’t remember much of it, except the kissing part!  😉  I do, however, remember that it was perfect and I knew that Brendan was the one for me.  We had our reception at a juice bar on Duval St. where our friend Sylwia worked.  It was a perfect day!

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Diaper rash stinks!

Finn has the diaper rash of diaper rashes right now, which means no pool!  We have been giving him baths in the sink for a while now, but more often since he can’t have the chlorine!  Of course, changing Finn’s diaper these days is challenging enough…it’s much harder now!  I clean him up then have to wait for his bum to dry before putting on the butt spackle.  The entire time he’s twisting this way and that to get away from me!  He also voices his disapproval constantly!

He does love his baths!

He does love his baths!



Separation anxiety

Separation anxiety:  a phrase used to describe a baby between the ages of 8-11 months.  This period is designed to truly test the parents’ stamina.  All of the literature states that babies this age are learning object permanence, or will have figured out that when daddy or mommy hides behind their hands, they are still there.  Not so with our little Finn.  An hour after going to bed, most nights, he will stir and need us to go in and rock him back to sleep.  An hour later, sometimes, he will get up again, just for a cuddle.  Strange enough, when Brendan goes in Finn will often not go back to sleep.  Instead, he will soak up all the cuddle time with daddy!  In an effort to save our own sanity…this ends up happening:

They are soooooo cute, right?!

They are soooooo cute, right?!