Poor baby…poor mommy!

Finn has been cruising around for the past few weeks now.  He’s fallen, bonked his head, cried and moved on.  Today, however, was a little different.  Finn was holding on to the couch, trying to get around to his little toy box (a tall basket that his toys fit into) to pull out some fresh toys.  He’s gotten pretty good at slowing his falls, so I didn’t really react when he started to tumble.  He landed pretty hard this time and I scooped him up and comforted him only to see a little blood coming from his bottom lip!  He stopped crying quite quickly, mommy on the other hand, kinda freaked out!  I ran to the kitchen and wet a rag to put on his lip.  He was more mad at me fussing with him than his lip hurting!  All sorts of thoughts were racing through my head…what do I do?  Do I take him to the doctor?  Will he need stitches?  Are his teeth okay?  Once the bleeding stopped I was able to get a better look at his lip and all was fine!  Don’t worry, everyone, I’m okay!  Errrr, I mean, Finn’s okay!  😉

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