Just a few updates…

Finn is still cruising around and walking with assistance.  Let’s see, what else?!  His second upper tooth finally pushed through, so he’s got four now!  He’ll sleep through the night, for the most part.  He still has nights when he wants to cuddle with mommy or daddy.  Oh, yeah, he likes to scream at the top of his lungs for no reason other than he can.  Finn loves watching the dogs run around and play.  He hates getting his butt cover changed, hates being strapped into the car seat and being strapped into anything for that matter!    So, the road trips we have planned for this summer should be fun!  We caved and bought a DVD player for the car.  Our hope is that with the TV on he’ll forget that he’s strapped in the car seat and miserable in general.  Finn continues to LOVE the pool and will splash for hours if I let him!  Unfortunately, his pale skin doesn’t allow for this!  I guess that’s it for now!

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