Monthly Archives: June 2013

Mr. Finn goes to school

Nannie’s 4th grade class had a party on Monday and were kind enough to invite us.  Despite being a little cranky Finn had a great time!  The parents set out quite a spread for the kids:  pizza (of course!), fruit, crackers, cookies and rice krispy treats!  When the pizzas arrived the kids were instructed that they could form a line and help themselves.  Instead of making a bee line for the pizza, they made a neat, single file line to hold Finn!  You could really tell which kids had younger siblings at home by they way they held Finn tight.  We had a great time and it was really nice to thank a few of the moms for being so kind to mine!

Hanging with my nannie!

Hanging with my nannie!

Nannie, you're silly!

Nannie, you’re silly!


Fun with the Annandale McBrides ;)

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Kristen stopped by today after taking Kierin to camp with Xavier and Violet.  Since Finn didn’t want to take a nap this morning it was a great distraction!  After they left Mr. Finn was finally sleepy enough for his a.m. nap…a little late, but maybe he’ll actually sleep more than 45 minutes!  Yeah, right!

8 months old :)

Finn turned 8 months old Monday and is in rare form so far!  He woke up Monday morning with a scream!  Whenever mommy or daddy walk away from him he screams.  When you take anything away from him, he screams.  Tired, screams.  Squishy tooshie, screams.  You get the idea.  Trying to keep Finn happy these days is a bit of a challenge and nothing really works.  I’ve been looking online for possible explanations of his newfound ‘voice’.  Sure enough, it’s right about time for separation anxiety and a huge mental development occurs at this stage.  So, if anyone is planning to visit our house, please excuse the mess because little Finn doesn’t let mommy get much done until he goes to sleep.  Of course, by then mommy is also exhausted!  Finn usually goes to bed around 6:30 p.m. and will make it to about 10-10:30 p.m. then will come and sleep with mommy or daddy (depending on whose turn it is to get up!).  Mommy usually sleeps with him until about 1-1:30 a.m. then can get him back to his own bed, where he will sleep until about 5-5:30 a.m.  I don’t know what daddy does, nor do I care, because I’m sleeping!  He then may have a bottle to get back to sleep…he’ll stay in bed until about 7:30 a.m.!  Then, it’s time to start our day!  Then my day is spent keeping Finn away from the TV (I just keep the damn thing off now!)  I’m afraid all my hair will just fall out overnight!


What is that noise?!

I heard a strange noise coming from Finn’s mouth and upon inspection I’ve found a top tooth!  Top left to be exact!  He’s playing with his new ‘toy’ by grinding his teeth together!  It’s like nails on a chalkboard!  Had I not heard the grinding we wouldn’t have noticed the new tooth.  Finn has been gnawing on everything in sight, but that’s normal these days!  He’s been sleeping pretty well through the night…maybe up once for a diaper, bottle and cuddle.  I’m guessing that the top right will not be far behind…


Fionbharr is walking while holding on to the couch!  It’s amazing that just a couple of weeks ago he was trying to crawl and now he’s almost walking!  He will hold on with just one hand and put his other hand out towards me as if to say ‘help me momma!’  He will take a couple of steps while holding my hand then let go and lunge towards me with the biggest grin on his face!  So please with himself!

Now I understand…

what everyone told me about time passing by so quickly!  Finn is almost 8 months old already and overnight it seems he’s already doing so much!  What happened to the little lump that wanted to be held and cuddled all day?!  Now he’s Mr. Independent!  He’s crawling all over the place, pulling himself up on anything that he can find and letting my know he wants to try shoving food into his own mouth!  Finn also lets me know if he doesn’t like something…I tried offering him the pouches that Auntie Kristin gave him (carrots, sweet potato and brown rice, with a little bit of ginger!).  Hated it!  I gave him homemade zucchini with butternut squash that I had warmed up for him.  Hated it because it had been warmed!  Just like daddy, he wants cool food!  Finally, mommy got it right with the sweet stuff…the kid loves apple sauce!  When did he turn into such a little man?!  I’ll admit it’s awesome and scary as heck


We have a fishy!

Since it was so hot yesterday Brendan and I took Finn to the pool.  Although he liked the beach, you can never tell if a kid will like the pool also.  Of course, daddy just got right in while mommy prefers the one toe at a time approach.  I was holding Finn and let him put his feet in the water.  Slowly, I put a little more of him in the water since it was cold still.  Finn bent over to splash his hands in the water and we just knew he was okay with it!  He went straight into Brendan’s arms and swam around and splashed and kicked!  He won’t let me lay him flat to float yet, but I have a feeling we’ll be working on in a lot this summer!


Getting ready for the pool

Getting ready for the pool




After the pool it was time to put on his party clothes for the block party at Whoha and Pop Pops.

I don't need clothes, mom!

I don’t need clothes, mom!